Why Chemistry?

A frequent question I get is why? Why do I love chemistry? I have always loved it because it is such a relate-able science. This may seem counter-intuitive; most people think of chemistry as being very difficult and having ideas that are far removed from everyday life. But, in my opinion, chemistry IS everyday life. In all the things we do and in the ways that we interpret and interact with the world around there is chemistry. So I offer you here, evidence for its beauty and relatability. Hopefully you will find my inspiration for studying and pursuing it to inspire you and lead you to a point where you can see why chemistry is a fun, fascinating and incredible field of study.


Did you enjoy chemistry?

Here we get real and find out if it possible to like chemistry... when you are not a chem major :-)


The Science of Scent

I am pretty much going to just let the video do the talking. I will say that the reason I love this video is because Luca Turin, who is not a chemist, discusses his theory for how the sense of smell works in a really understandable way; he is able to speak simply about complex topics. Frequently, people who are experts within a field, forget how to speak to the layman. The most amazing aspect of this video is the idea that scent is an interpretation of a molecular vibration. Meaning the ways that the bonds in a molecule move affects the how we perceive them!