Alcohols Worksheet - Answer Key
- The common name for an alcohol consists of the name of the alkyl group to which the OH group is attached, followed by the word “alcohol”.
- The systematic name of an alcohol is obtained by replacing the “e” at the end of the name of the parent hydrocarbon with the suffix “ol”.
- The parent hydrocarbon is the longest continuous chain containing the functional group.
- Name: 1 – pentanol
- Name: 1 – pentanol
- The parent hydrocarbon is numbered in the direction that gives the functional group the lowest possible number.
- Name: 3 – hexanol
- Name: 3 – hexanol
- If there is a functional group suffix and a substituent, the functional group suffix gets the lowest possible number.
- Name: 4 - methylcyclohexanol
- Name: 4 - methylcyclohexanol
- If counting in either direction gives the same number for the functional group suffix, the chain is numbered in the direction that gives a substituent the lowest possible number.
- Name: 2,5 – dimethyl – 4 – heptanol
- Name: 2,5 – dimethyl – 4 – heptanol
- If there is more than one OH functional group use prefixes to indicate the number.
- Name: 2 , 4 – hexanediol
- What is a primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol?
- Give the systematic name for the following and indicate whether it is primary, secondary or tertiary.
- 5 – chloro – 2 – methyl – 2 – pentanol
- 4 – bromo – 3 – ethylcyclohexanol
- 2, 3 – dimethyl – 1 – butanol