Isomers Worksheet - Answer Key


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  1. What is an isomer?

    Isomers are compounds with the same formula, but different chemical/physical properties.


  3. Complete Isomer  Flow Chart



  5. Define and give an example of each of the following

    2. Coordinate Isomerism

      A ligand and a counter ion switch positions.

      [Cr(NH3)5Br]SO4     and  [Cr(NH3)5SO4]Br



    4. Linkage Isomerism

      This occurs when you have a ligand that has 2 or more potential areas of attachment structured in such a way that only one or the other end is able to attach at a time


    6. Geometric (cis-trans) Isomerism

      These isomers have two identical ligands that can either be placed 90o (called cis) or 180o (called trans) from each other.


    8. Optical Isomerism

      This is when you have isomers that are non-super imposable mirror images.  These type of isomers rotate plane polarized light in different directions.



  6. Draw geometrical isomers of each of the following complex ions.

    2. [Co(C2O4)2(H2O)2]-


    4. [Pt(NH3)4I2]2+



  7. Which of the following ligands are capable of linkage isomerism?

    SCN-, N3-, NH2CH2CH2NH2, OCN-, I-


  9. Draw all the geometric isomers of Pt(CN)2Br2(H2O)2. Which of these isomers has an optical isomer?  Draw the various optical isomers.

    There is only one optically active isomer:



  11. How do you know if a complex ion, with tetrahedral geometry, is optically active?

    The metal has four different ligands attached.


  13. In order for a molecule to be optically active it must be chiral


  15. In order to be chiral a molecule must have a non-super imposable mirror images.


  17. Chiral isomers are called enantiomers.


  19. An isomer that rotates plane polarized light to the left is called levorotary (l).

    An isomer that rotates plane polarized light to the right is called dextrorotary (


  21. What is a racemic mixture?

    A 50/50 mixture of 
    d/l enantiomers.